Supporting and Linking Tradeswomen

creating opportunities

providing mentorship

establishing support networks

promoting women in trades

sharing experiences

changing attitudes

dismantling stereotypes

promoting change

advocating for
improved work environments

...since 2009

About us

Supporting And Linking Tradeswomen (SALT) is a non-profit organisation that was founded in 2009 to provide a support network for tradeswomen, apprentices, and women seeking to enter the trades in Australia.


SALT is a member-led organisation. Current members of SALT can attend annual general meetings and special meetings, elect representatives to the committee or nominate for positions on the committee.


SALT’s main activity is to provide practical, hands-on workshops that introduce young people to trade skills and career pathways.


Browse our playlist of workshop videos.

To see photos from your workshop or others, to see opportunities from other organisations supporting women tradies across Australia, and to keep up to date with SALT.