Nancy Crevier
Trade - Electrical
Age you entered trade and how?
I was 28 when I started the school program, and I got my first job at 30. I was the only girl in the whole program of about 80 students.
What attracted you to your trade?
I knew I wanted to do some kind of construction trade and once I looked into them I felt electricity was a very diverse field with many different options, and sectors.
What challenges did you face?
Well even starting out at school I had some teachers who had little faith in me, and I know because they told me, but their opinions changed quickly because I was determined and didn't take this learning opportunity for granted. And the same goes for bosses, I had been working with an electrician while I was a fully qualified electrician and the bosses would always pass me and go talk to him with the plans or explain things to him even though I was more experienced in the work we were doing.
What kept you going?
When your hard work pays off, and people notice and they change their opinions about women in trades. I am currently working on a site with a lady apprentice and the general contractor asked my boss to hire more women because of us. That makes me feel great.
What makes you really proud?
Regardless of what someone thinks of me I am still doing something I love. And I know I am doing good work.
What do you believe are the benefits of working in a trade as opposed to more traditional employment?
The benefits of working in trades for me are the variety of work sites, the ever changing projects, the physical activity and the salary and benefits are really tough to beat.
What do you love most about your trade?
When nothing explodes when I turn it on! I like to figure out problems and at the end of the day it's nice to look at your work and be proud of it.
What do you do in your spare time?
I love biking, play music and gave been getting into hunting the last several years.